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Thursday 22 August 2013

Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles

Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 11

                                                             Wide range of Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles is highly appreciated for their sturdiness, accurate design and durability among the clients. Owing to these features, we have been able to cut an edge in the field. Moreover,Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles can be provided in  various specifications.

                                                                                                            Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 02
Features :
  • Beautiful Appearance : with the natural stone texture and strong stereoscopic sensation, with a variety of types and colors, it guarantees an excellent decorative landscaping for the building.
  • Long Lifetime : Adopt high strength, high corrosion-resistant aluminium zinc alloy steel plate. it corrosion resistance is 3-6 times than galvanized steel; the surface material by weathering of natural color stone particles or inorganic pigments dying natural gravel and water based acrylic resin. product last up to 30 years.
  • Lighter Weight : only equivalent to the weight of a clay tile, cement tile 1/6, it reduce the load on building, and also reduce the cost of project, easy to transport to the site, and classic in installation.
  • Construction made perfect : Easy to bend, easy to cut, classic installation, low-temperature condition to the building.
  • Energy saving, and environmental friendly
  • Capacity to resist Natural Disasters like :
  • Rainstorm Resistance
  • Anti-typhoon
  • Anti-ultraviolet
  • Fire Resistance et.

Range Of Colors Available :
  • Beige red
  • Dark green
  • Brown
  • Brick red
  • Orange
  • Beige Brown
  • Iron oxide red
  • Beige gray
  • Grey
  • Golden


Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 01 

    More photos after the cut..................

Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 04 Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 05 Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 06

Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 07 Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 08 Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 09

Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tiles 10 

Wednesday 21 August 2013

What's Hope...

What's hope?

Hope is knowing that a positive outcome awaits.

Hope is not only expecting a dream to come true,
but having a deep assurance that it's within
your reach.

Hope is saying you can.

Hope is knowing that you can improve and that you always get better with practice.

Hope is knowing that you can achieve your goals
through hard work and persistence.

Hope is looking to the future with joy and
having an expectation of better things to come.

Hope is the knowledge that life is everlasting,
and that miracles happen every day.

Hope is something that never abandons you.
Even when your life is filled with sadness
and disappointment, a spark remains inside
to help you get through the rough times.

Hope is one of God's greatest gifts to you,
because it's the magic that inspires you to keep
trying, learning, loving, and living.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Aluminium General Information.

Aluminium: a chemical element (symbol Al) with an atomic number of 13, an atomic weight of 26.98, and a single stable isotope: 27.
Aluminium is a soft, silvery metal.
Relative density: 2.70 kg/dm3
Melting point: 660°C
A thin, waterproof layer of aluminium oxide is formed on contact with the air.
Aluminium is a very important construction material in combination with other metals. The major compounds of aluminium are the oxide, hydroxide, chloride, sulphate, silicate, and acetate.
(Source: Encarta)
In 2011, Aluminium celebrated its 125th anniversary !
  • In 1761, a Frenchman named de Morveau discovered a previously unknown material. He gave it the name ‘alumina’, from the Latin word ‘alumen’, which means ‘light’.
  • In 1787, the chemist Lavoisier determined that alumina was an oxide of a metal that was unknown at that time.
  • In 1821, bauxite was discovered at Les Baux.
  • In 1825, the chemist Oersted isolated the metal for the first time in a more or less pure state by using a complex distillation method.
    In the following years, Wöhler (1827) and Deville (1854) searched for less expensive ways to produce aluminium.
  • In 1855, an aluminium rod produced by Deville was exhibited next to a silver rod at the World Exhibition in Paris. The response to the new metal was enthusiastic.
  • In 1865, the author Jules Verne suggested that space travel would one day become reality thanks to aluminium.
  • In 1866, Charles Martin Hall and Paul Héroult developed a method for extracting aluminium from alumina by using electrolysis.
  • In 1898, the Bayer process was developed. This made it possible to produce alumina powder from bauxite on a large scale. On the eve of the 20th century, aluminium was poised to acquire the status of a basic material for the production of all sorts of new and modern products. (Source: EOS)
In terms of its physical, chemical and mechanical properties, aluminium is a metal, just as steel, brass, copper, zinc, lead and titanium are metals.
It can be melted, cast, shaped and worked in roughly the same way as these metals and it conducts electricity.
The principal markets for aluminium producers are in the transportation, building&construction and packaging sectors.
Other markets include electrical and electronic engineering, machine construction, office furnishings, household appliances, lighting and chemical and pharmaceutical products.
(Source: www.eaa.net)
Aluminium can be alloyed with manganese, silicon, magnesium, zinc and other elements. The addition of a small amount (0.5-3%) of one or more other metals is sufficient to enhance certain useful properties of aluminium, such as strength, hardness, weld ability or corrosion resistance.

God's Plan...

God protects you;
he holds your life in his hands.
God has some plans for you,
some small, some big, some grand.
God guides you,
with a brilliant shining light.
God watches over you
through morning, noon, and night.
God is always there for you,
to aid you in times of woe.
God tries hard to help you
see, and learn, and grow.
God has much faith in you;
there's nothing you can't achieve.
God encourages you
to try, to think, to believe.
God will always love you,
and he hopes you'll love him too.
God lends a shoulder,
to calm, support, and soothe.
God will wait for you;
he'll be there in the end.

God will welcome you,
because he's your friend.

God will wait for you;
he'll be there in the end.

God will welcome you,
because he's your friend.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Aluminum Window Prices and Costs

Aluminum windows come in quite a few sash styles, so don't think that you're limited in your choices just because you want the low-maintenance, durable alternative that aluminum windows provide. Aluminum windows prices and costs can vary significantly by manufacturer, especially when you factor in options like the manufacturer's reputation, the type of glazing materials such as low-e glass and the number of panes, and the windows' sizes. Whether you're installing your windows yourself or opting for professional installation, there are also installation accessories such as sealants that you should factor into your costs.
Aluminum Windows: Prices by Size and Style

These prices will give you an idea of what aluminum windows might cost, though size will affect costs considerably. Custom-sized aluminum windows may be available from some manufacturers at no extra cost as all of their windows are made-to-order.
The style of window is related to its purpose. Aluminum louver windows (with slats instead of glazing) are considered single-hung windows, but you typically would want one in your garage or shed, not your family room. These types of aluminum windows cost around N5000 for a 2' x 2', and the prices increase with size.
A 2' x 4' aluminum window has a starting price range of N25000. Once you add in the options you want, you could be looking at considerably more. Some manufacturers charge upwards of N30000 each for fully-loaded aluminum windows.
You can also get horizontal sliding (or gliding) windows with aluminum frames. A 3' x 4' aluminum slider can cost N40000 each.
Optional Aluminum Windows Prices and Costs
Though options vary by window manufacturer, your choices might include:
  • Insect screens
  • Custom color
  • Alternative or high-efficiency glazing materials
  • Decorative blinds or grilles or blinds that are either removable, fixed, or placed between panes of glass

Monday 12 August 2013

Don’t Hope,… Decide!

While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other people talk about — the kind that sneaks up on you unexpectedly. This one occurred a mere two feet away from me.

Straining to locate my friend among the passengers deplaning through the jet way, I noticed a man coming toward me carrying two light bags. He stopped right next to me to greet his family.

First he motioned to his youngest son (maybe six years old) as he laid down his bags. They gave each other a long, loving hug. As they separated enough to look in each other’s face, I heard the father say, “It’s so good to see you, son. I missed you so much!” His son smiled somewhat shyly, averted his eyes and replied softly, “Me, too, Dad!”

Then the man stood up, gazed in the eyes of his oldest son (maybe nine or ten) and while cupping his son’s face in his hands said, “You’re already quite the young man. I love you very much, Zach!” They too hugged a most loving, tender hug.

While this was happening, a baby girl (perhaps one or one-and-a-half) was squirming excitedly in her mother’s arms, never once taking her little eyes off the wonderful sight of her returning father. The man said, “Hi, baby girl!” as he gently took the child from her mother. He quickly kissed her face all over and then held her close to his chest while rocking her from side to side. The little girl instantly relaxed and simply laid her head on his shoulder, motionless in pure contentment.

After several moments, he handed his daughter to his oldest son and declared, “I’ve saved the best for last!” and proceeded to give his wife the longest, most passionate kiss I ever remember seeing. He gazed into her eyes for several seconds and then silently mouthed. “I love you so much!” They stared at each other’s eyes, beaming big smiles at one another, while holding both hands.

For an instant they reminded me of newlyweds, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn’t possibly be. I puzzled about it for a moment then realized how totally engrossed I was in the wonderful display of unconditional love not more than an arm’s length away from me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if I was invading something sacred, but was amazed to hear my own voice nervously ask, “Wow! How long have you two been married?

“Been together fourteen years total, married twelve of those.” he replied, without breaking his gaze from his lovely wife’s face. “Well then, how long have you been away?” I asked. The man finally turned and looked at me, still beaming his joyous smile. “Two whole days!”

Two days? I was stunned. By the intensity of the greeting, I had assumed he’d been gone for at least several weeks – if not months. I know my expression betrayed me.

I said almost offhandedly, hoping to end my intrusion with some semblance of grace (and to get back to searching for my friend), “I hope my marriage is still that passionate after twelve years!”

The man suddenly stopped smiling.

He looked me straight in the eye, and with forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person. He told me, “Don’t hope, friend… decide!” Then he flashed me his wonderful smile again, shook my hand and said, “God bless!”

- By Michael D. Hargrove and Bottom Line Underwriters, Inc.


A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up the remaining open areas of the jar.
He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”
“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.”
“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party, or fix the disposal.”
“Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

Saturday 10 August 2013


Passages ways and balcony are the initial beauty of a building,therefore the introduction of aluminium balcony systembrings out such beauty and class, it also provides the similar functions of regular balconys but are embellished with certain unique designs that aids in folding ability. This facility makes way for easy passage into apartments and homes during outfitting a house especially while ferrying in large furniture and other home appliances. This range of Aluminium Balcony is fabricated with transparent glass that allows natural light to flood in during day time. Besides this,  Aluminium Balcony can also be manipulated and opened both inwards and outwards as the occasion demands.      

Features :

Flexible design
Easy to maintain
Premium quality

Applications :

Perfect for both commercial and domestic installations
Building Industry
Both the government and the private sectors.